Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A first time for everything...

By Eamon Bencivengo

There is a first time for everything.  Last week I experienced my first submission of a county HOME grant application.  Although funded by the federal government, the HOME Program is administered by states and counties.  For instance, New Jersey’s Department of Community Affairs allocates the HOME dollars given to the state, while county HOME dollars are administered by county community development offices.  In generating funding streams for our projects, we submit applications to both the Department of Community Affairs and to the community development office of the county in which we are developing our project.  While the submission of two separate applications is manageable, the submission of the HOME application represents a challenge because no two such applications are alike.  The state application is different than those published by the counties, while the county applications vary from county to county.  Thus, it was last week that I was filling out the HOME application for Monmouth County; the county which encompasses our future special needs housing development in the town of Colts Neck.  With the help of our Housing Services Coordinator Jenai Gaccione, we carefully filled out the budgetary information required in the application.  Gina Plotino, our Director of Communications, also contributed to the task by supplying some of the many important documents which are required to be attached to the application.  Although we still have some more documents to send to the Monmouth County Community Development Office, we were able to submit the application prior to the deadline.  The Colts Neck Project has taken its first step to completion!                   

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Impact of the Special Needs Housing Trust Fund

By Tom Tornoto
On Wednesday I will take part in an important strategy session with others throughout the state who feel as passionately as I about renewing the Special Needs Housing Trust Fund.  Since it was signed into law in 2005, the Trust has built homes for over 2,000 families and individuals with special needs who would otherwise be languishing in costly institutional care. 

The impact of our housing starts is far reaching.  Not only are individuals with disabilities living independently and with the supportive services they need to thrive but, in the process, 8800 construction jobs were created as well as another1600 jobs in a variety of fields that continue on.  Over the last 5 years, that has brought to New Jersey and our local communities over $88 million in real estate sales and income and property taxes.

There’s real promise in these numbers, and renewing this vital source of funding makes sense on so many levels.  Supportive housing is not just a roof and a bed, but a cost-effective affordable housing solution that is changing lives for the better.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Special Needs Housing Trust Fund

By Tom Toronto
President of Bergen County's United Way

’s United Way is building some Very Special Homes© for individuals with developmental disabilities.  Financing under the auspices of the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency, Special Needs Housing Trust Fund has been instrumental in making that possible.   

The Special Needs Housing Trust Fund was signed into law in 2005. It authorized the issuance of $200 million of bonds to create housing for people with special needs and has helped to create quality housing with needed supportive services for over 2,000 families and individuals throughout the state. Unfortunately, the Special Needs Trust Fund has now run out of money.

I am part of a statewide advocacy effort to renew funding for supportive housing.  On Wednesday, February 15th the group will hold a Strategy Meeting.  Save the date and join us at the State House, Annex Room 4 in Trenton from 10 AM to noon.  Together we can surely find a permanent source of financing for this crucial funding stream.  Save the date and join us on February 15th.