Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Impact of the Special Needs Housing Trust Fund

By Tom Tornoto
On Wednesday I will take part in an important strategy session with others throughout the state who feel as passionately as I about renewing the Special Needs Housing Trust Fund.  Since it was signed into law in 2005, the Trust has built homes for over 2,000 families and individuals with special needs who would otherwise be languishing in costly institutional care. 

The impact of our housing starts is far reaching.  Not only are individuals with disabilities living independently and with the supportive services they need to thrive but, in the process, 8800 construction jobs were created as well as another1600 jobs in a variety of fields that continue on.  Over the last 5 years, that has brought to New Jersey and our local communities over $88 million in real estate sales and income and property taxes.

There’s real promise in these numbers, and renewing this vital source of funding makes sense on so many levels.  Supportive housing is not just a roof and a bed, but a cost-effective affordable housing solution that is changing lives for the better.

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